Photography Mentoring Session | Brigette

*All of the photos in this post were taken by Brigette, and I’m super proud of her!*

It can be daunting to simply reach out and ask people if you can “shadow” them. But we all start somewhere, and I think it’s pretty fun to point out what people are good at and help them reach for the things that they want to do! I’m always available to answer your photography questions or talk about dreams, your business, or your next big project.

When I met Brigette at a camera store last winter and she told me that she was hoping to learn more about photography I was excited to share what I knew with her.
It was a simple exchange of information, and after months of waiting for the snow to thaw, the following photos were taken during our mock photo session where I was able to have Brigette work alongside me and explain to her my camera settings, composition techniques, lighting, and posing.
I asked Brigette to write about her experience so that you could read about what it’s like working with another photographer and collaborating with them!

Brigette is a connector and a communicator. Something unique about her photography is how she connects with people instantly and is able to make others feel comfortable, confident, and appreciated.

Enjoy my mini interview with her! Her last piece of advice hit it home for me!

How did you get started in photography?
I took one class in college. After that, I would just take pictures of my family for fun. I loved how most of the pictures that I took are hanging up in my families house. I love that I can capture a moment and it tells a whole story. Even if it doesn’t have the best lighting or the best editing, the emotion is what I love! 

Three words that describe your style:
I'm not sure I have a “style” yet, but I would say Candid, natural, lifestyle

What were your top three "ah-ha" moments during the session? (Lighting, posing, story-telling, business-related etc.)
ALL the above. There were things that I wouldn’t even think of that she taught me. She taught me where to stand when the sun is behind the subject, she taught me how to pose the subject without it looking flat, she showed me how to create mood and depth with the surroundings. She taught me about how to talk to and pose her clients, all the way to how she delivers the final product.

What was it like working with Carley?  
Carley is the sweetest girl EVER. I met her at a camera store and we randomly started talking about photography. We exchanged information and became creative “Pen Pals” She gave me soooo much information about photography- tutorials, blogs, and inspiration. Any questions I had, she answered them in detail. The styled photo session was the most I’ve learned from someone before. She went step by step on her process the whole time. She told me WHY she does things the way she does, gave me pro tips along the way and even told me how to talk to clients to help them feel more comfortable. She even stayed after for an hour to answer any questions I had about the business side of it. I swear, she is an angel. No one has ever dedicated that much time to me, helping me learn something I am passionate about. You can tell she cares about people!


What was your biggest takeaway from the session?
Though she taught me so much about photography during the session, the biggest takeaway I got from it was that there really are good people in the world that are willing to share their passion with you. It makes a difference!

How did you feel about the experience?
I felt so inspired after I left. I didn’t want it to end. She was nice, fun and had great energy. She is very good at what she does and seemed like she really likes to teach people what she knows.

What advice do you have for new photographers?
Don't give up. Keep learning. And stop comparing yourself to others. You have the talent even if you can't see it!

Special thanks to Kristy for letting us photograph her beautiful face <3

Carley Marie