A List of 50 Awesome Things


1. The smell of fresh laundry

2.  Shooting a basketball and getting it through the hoop on the first try

3. Hearing my favorite song on the radio

4. Lavender Essential Oil

5. The feeling that you get after being really thirsty and drinking really cold water

6. Getting birthday cards in the mail

7. Waking up before your alarm 

8. New socks

9. Sharp pencils WITH erasers

10.  Riding your bike up a really big hill and then riding it down

11. Nice people

12. Clean public restrooms 

13. Camping, Campfires, Campfire songs, Campeverything

14. Healthy food that actually tastes good

15. Baristas that compliment you on your coffee/beverage choice

16. Getting a good grade on something that you thought you failed

17. Being home alone and listening to really loud music 

18. Fast Wi-Fi

19. Popsicles

20. Fresh Fruit

21. Highly motivated people

22. Nice Emails

23. Giant Bubbles

24. Patio Lights

25. Tire Swings

26. Buying something and paying with exact change

27. Learning new stuff

28. Grandmas & Grandpas

29. Morning People

30. Hiking 

31. Kids jumping in leaf piles

32.  Traffic lights that turn green before you come to a stop

33. Vegetable gardens

34. Tree houses

35. When kids give you dandelions/crayon drawings

36. Getting through airport security faster than you anticipated

37. Mountains

38. Moms & Dads

39. Using a coupon for an item that's on sale

40. Cinnamon and its anti-inflammatory properties :) 

41. Freshly Vacuumed Carpet

42. Free food

43. Finding something you lost

44. Jumping in puddles

45. Bubble Wrap

46. Potted plants

47. Hugs

48. Fireflies

49. Being reunited with friends that you haven't seen in years

50. Watching the sunset

Carley Marie