Mckenzie and Arin | Downtown Waukesha Engagement Session


One thing I've learned about Arin and Mckenzie is that they have wonderful families that love them SO much. They both have lots of siblings, and I think it's really amazing to hear them talk about their families. They just kind of light up and start smiling. But even more so, I think it's really amazing to watch the way the smile at one another, the way Mckenzie lights up just by looking at Arin. While going through their photos I found myself smiling, too. Joy does that – it affects everyone. Even though we just met, I already know that Arin and Mckenzie are two adventurous souls that love to be spontaneous and I think their photos show that!
We met up at Frame Park in downtown Waukesha, stopped by the Rotunda, and spent the evening chasing the sunshine and dancing on top of parking garages. I'm really excited for their July wedding next year at the Milwaukee Historical Society! I mean if this is what their engagement photos look like, their wedding photos are going to be jaw dropping!

Mckenzie & Arin, 
Thanks so much for allowing me to capture this special time in your lives! It was so fun exploring Waukesha with you guys! 
Can't wait to take fall photos and meet your sweet pup, Meeska! 
Much love, 

Carley Marie