Faith | Waukesha Senior Pictures


Faith has a smile that makes others smile, a heart that’s wide open to everyone she meets, and a personality that adds a bit of sparkle to the world around her. I had such a fun time getting to know her and hear about all of her hopes and dreams after high school. One of the things I really like about Faith is her positivity! She’s bubbly and energetic, and you can’t help but feel happy when you’re around her!
We chose to take her senior photos at Retzer Nature Center in Waukesha, and we had a beautiful day for it! We even got to sneak in a few family photos (my favorite!).
From the sunlight to the scenery, it was all beautiful and bright. Check out some of my favorite snapshots from our time together!

I’m so proud of you already! Keep shining bright and bringing light into the lives of the people around you!
Much love,

Carley Marie