Ellie | Waukesha Senior Pictures at Retzer Nature Center


Ellie is quiet and sweet. Confident and artistic. Bold and gentle. Kind and Courageous.
I’m kind of a fan of her personality and the things that make Ellie, well, Ellie.
For starters, she’s got an undeniable style, that goes with her creative and calm personality.
She’s so full of dreams and ideas, and I love that, too.
But I think the thing I like most about Ellie, is that I see a world of potential in her.
If I could put it into words and make someone believe that they’ve got what it takes to make the world brighter and more beautiful that’s what I would do; because I know that the “dreamers” often need a little extra affirmation and encouragement to know that they’re on the right track. So here’s a gentle reminder that you’re good to go on those dreams and ideas. You’ve got the a-okay to chase after them.

I’m glad I met you. You’re someone to be proud of. You’re someone who is strong. And you’re someone who is so very capable of making someone else’s world better. Use those lovely talents of yours for good.
Much love,

Carley Marie