Natalie Class of 2020 | Delafield Senior Photographer

One of the things that stands out to me about Natalie is that she is endlessly loyal and dedicated to her family and friends. She has a gentle, but at the same time, energetic personality that makes her someone that people want to go to when you need someone to listen or lean on. After graduation, she hopes to study Psychology and one day work with kids as a counselor. Which seems really fitting from what I know to be true about Natalie! I know that she wants to serve and help others with her talents and gifts, and I’m already proud of all of the ways that she will go on to make the world just a little bit brighter.
We met up in Downtown Delafield for her senior photos and the colors were just starting to change! It was a chilly and windy day, but it’s hard to tell that from these photos! Enjoy your scroll through some of my favorite snapshots.

I love the way you love Jesus and the people around you! It’s so clear that you want to follow him in everything you’re doing.
Keep up the hard work during this final year of high school! Cheering for you along the way!
Much love,

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Carley Marie