Noah | Class of 2019 | Delafield Senior Photographer


Determined. That’s the word the word that comes to mind when I think of Noah. He’s a little bit quirky (same here) with a goofy sense of humor (I can relate x100), an effective communicator, a fantastic debater (this is where the similarities stop), basically a pro tennis athlete, super logical, very organized, and extremely competitive. When Noah puts his mind to something there’s no stopping him. Whether it’s an academic or athletic feat, Noah is sure to follow through with whatever comes his way. I love watching people set big goals and then taking the steps that they need to complete them. This is something that Noah does with ease.
People like Noah, those with a whole lot of drive, energy, initiative, and a heart for Jesus, change the world.

When Noah graduates he wants to pursue a business degree, and I will most likely hire him to manage my business (unless we elect him as president first). While he might be a little goofy on the outside (check out that Christmas sweater), I honestly can’t think of many people that are as competent and concise as Noah.

One day I hope to have the same amount of fashion sense and confidence as you.
- Carley

Looking forward to Christmas like:

Carley Marie