Turning Fears Into Feathers

My eyes scan the premise: red bricks to gray cement, gray cement to red shiny litters. I see a bird fly out of the "e". 

That's my view from the grocery store parking lot. I've always found it odd how birds make their homes in commercial areas. There's a great big world out there with lots of trees and our fine feathered friends choose the "e" in "Sentry". Lovely. 

That's me sometimes.

There's a lot of options (almost too many) so I stay in my nice florescent light up letter. It's easier that way.  


But I don't want to be a bird living in a light up letter.

You probably don't either.

Fly out of your lower case "e", make a loop dee loop, whistle a happy song of freedom. Go out there and see what you can find. Fall and get back up, get back up and learn from your mistakes. Don't let fear keep you in a grocery store sign. 

Grass to trees, trees to sky, sky to infinity. That's the view when you turn your fears into feathers.

It feels good to fly.

Carley Marie