What Inspires Me? Q&A

I posted on Instagram and asked people to ask me questions, and got an overwhelming response of like 4 questions, #TheLifeOfFame, haha ;) Honestly, I didn't expect anyone to ask me anything, but  since a few loyal souls did, here we go, question numero uno:

What inspires you most in your photography journey?

Good light, twirly skirts, pretty color pallets, clothing catalogs, this cute lil blog, textures, flowers, confetti, summer, nature, and arranging leaves.

But most of all people.

I wanted to be a photographer because I saw how a photographer could make people feel special and how they seemed to be able to make life a little more beautiful.

For me, it's always been about sharing photos of beautiful moments and creating portraits of  people that make them feel good. I don't do this for me, and I don't take pictures because I want to be a super famous photographer, or because I think I'm super artistic and the world needs to see my art, I photograph because nothing makes me feel quite as alive as carrying a camera around, making my subject feel comfortable/confident, making them laugh and then seeing their eyes light up when I show them the back of my camera. It's magical every. time. 

There's a lot of brokenness, hurt, and darkness in the world and if I can share a little bit of light and joy by taking photos I will. Spreading positivity and sharing pretty pictures is what inspires me.

Tune in next time to read about how I decide what time of day is best for taking photographs. It should be enlightening :)

And if you have a question that you've been dying to ask me, drop it in the comments below or send me a message and I'll be sure to answer it! 


Stay awesome, 


Carley MariePersonal Post, Q&A